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[Music Video] Jasiri X – Bushes (Bomb the Throne)

Love this! Be clear: this is likely the only unofficial “Otis” remix or freestyle you’ll see on The Kitchen. From the homie, Jasiri X:

George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush go in over the Otis instrumental on their less than stellar records as President of the United States, and to remind us how America got so messed up….”


George H.W. Bush – I invented crack
the highest hit with them scientists in the lab
not hard to find it
read Gary Webb’s Dark Alliance
New terror alert Qaddafi
We tried to kill him in the 80s but were sloppy
Bombs hit his compound every wall was knock down
his infant daughter got found dead under a rock pile

George W. Bush – Damn W bush where the hell you been
Obama’s getting blamed for all of ya failures kid
Left trillions in debt they acting like I never did
Kanye even apologized now we’re hella friends
They say I’m stupid but I was dumb before
but they so crazy they forgot about my other war
and they don’t even mention my other other war
Almost destroyed America they still love me more

George H.W. Bush – Skull and Bones fresh
bomb you with the stealth
I’m bout to call the CIA on my self
I was the first ta
go after Saddam Hussein I tried to murk ya
bombed Iraq with those missiles air to surface
so we would have cheap oil for us to purchase
Iran contra no need for bail
I pardoned everybody they never going to jail

George W. Bush – A born again christian I’m never going to hell
my book about decisions is never going to sale
300 pages of crap it’s better in the shredder
I made history the worst president ever
I’m in Crawford with the golfers
cause of my cuts there’s just no job offers
now everybody in they house getting foreclosed
I’m done I’ll hit you ya tomorrow

George H.W. Bush – Welcome to Panama
Sent troops to get Noriega I am the law
he had pedico in kilos
we bought it from him that’s how come that we know
4000 dead it makes no difference
nobody cares cause it’s just less immigrants
no coincidence my son went from governor
to president leaving a debt so big we can’t get under from

George W. Bush – Can’t you see commercial jets flying over you
for seven minutes I froze like what the hell Imma do
put my Arab friends on planes with no kinda proof
even though they said the highjackers were Saudi too
Then I let Osama escape like the hell with it
so I could invade Iraq with fake intelligence
and over 6,000 troops died
but hey keep being mad at the new guy

[Video] An Obama Impersonator Entertains a GOP ‘Leadership’ Gathering

Besides a lot of really lame jokes, does this dude even really look like Obama?? Maybe if he went on an all-ice cream diet for a month and started wearing make-up! But is this racist like Think Progress claims?

[via The Root]

[News] President Obama’s Alternative Osama bin Laden Announcement Video

Hilarious spoof. So the President and his first lady can both (kind of) do the Dougie, huh?

[Video] President Obama at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner

“”No one is prouder to put this birth certificate issue to rest than Donald, and that’s because he can get back to the issues that matter, like, did we fake the moon landing? What really happened in Roswell? And where are Biggie and Tupac?“”

[Video] Seth Meyers remarks at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Choice quotes (as curated by homegirl Tyesh):

Donald Trump owns the Miss USA pageant, which is great for Republicans because it will streamline their search for a vice president.”

Donald Trump has said he’s running for president as a Republican — which is surprising because I thought he was running as a joke.”

To President Obama: “I’ll tell you who could beat you: 2008 Barack Obama. You would have loved him.”


#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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