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Different Kitchen Premiere

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[VIDEO PREMIERE] Jai Nitai Lotus – Pi (Brahma Built) Feat. Sam I Am Montolla

DK11_Single5_JaiNitai_Lotus Pi Brahman Built feat. Sam I Am montolla A

Here it is: you saw the teaser clip and the song premiere over the weekend, but here finally is the official video for the last single dropped before the release of the THIS ONE GOES TO ELEVEN… 11th anniversary compilation featuring King Reign & Saukrates, Mickey Factz, Audego, Brendan Philip and more yesterday, “Pi (Brahma Built)” by Jai Nitai Lotus featuring Sam I Am Montolla. Not only is “Pi” on my comp but it will also be featured on Jai’s forthcoming Acknowledgement mixtape set for release on 9.5.14.

Follow Jai Nitai Lotus online: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Follow Sam I Am Montolla online: Twitter | Instagram

Video credits:
Directed by Dawit Weri & Jai Nitai Lotus
Shot by Dawit Weri
Edited By Dawit Weri
Additional Editing by Jai Nitai Lotus

Song Credits:
Written by Jai Nitai Lotus & Sam I Am Montolla
Produced by Shash”U
Cover Art Design by @krunkpony for Tiffany Pilgrim Art & Design
Audio mastering by Neil McDonald & Paul Kehayas for Echosound Studiolab

Missed the release of the THIS ONE GOES TO ELEVEN… album yesterday? Listen to it in full here: Blog | Exclaim!

[Album Premiere] Different Kitchen presents This One Goes To Eleven…

DK11_ Private Different Kitchen presents This One Goes To Eleven.... Cover Front_Artwork


Well it’s finally here: the This One Goes To Eleven… 11th Anniversary compilation album for Different Kitchen! It’s been a three to four month journey putting this project together but it came together in a really great way and I’m super happy & proud of the sound of it and how it turned out in the end.

I’ve spent 11 years doing this blog, at some points spending more time on it than others but this is one of the things in my life that I get to do that really reflects who I am, my musical & aesthetic tastes and how I see the world without regard for what is cool, will sell or drive online traffic or what I should be doing from a career or personal life point of view.

All of the artists on the album are ones I really dig, personally and I have backed that up by supporting their music and careers on the blog. I’m glad that they all came through and supported this project with their art. Props go out to The Names Are Known, King Reign & Saukrates, Keita Juma, Brendan Philip, Noah Vinson & Isis Ash, Joel. & Arthur Lewis, J.Nolan, Jai Nitai Lotus & Sam I Am Montolla, Audego, Emay, Third Mind, 416 Band and Mickey Factz.

Also a big thanks goes out to Exclaim! magazine, the top music media outlet in Canada, who came on board as a media partner and co-premiered the album on their site HERE.

Tired of streaming the album and want to play it in iTunes, on your mp3 player or go ‘old school’ and burn a CD copy for the whip? Download the entire This One Goes To Eleven… album complete with art HERE: mediafire (zip file)

Album Credits:
Marketing by CoolerBuzz
Audio mastering by Neil McDonald and Paul Kehayas for Echosound Studiolab
Art by Tiffany Pilgrim for Tiffany Pilgrim Art Direction & Graphic Design
Promo Art by Shehab Tariq for Implant Media
Viral video production by Ian Jones for the ear2much collective
Media Partner: Exclaim!

(For songwriting & production credits, click/see the back cover art above or to the album link on Soundcloud HERE to check each song’s credits individually)

[MP3] Jai Nitai Lotus – Pi (Brahma Built) Feat. Sam I Am Montolla

DK11_Single5_JaiNitai_Lotus Pi Brahman Built feat. Sam I Am montolla A

“Pi (Brahma Built)” by Montreal-based MC, Jai Nitai Lotus featuring Sam I Am Montolla is the fifth and final pre-release single release from the THIS ONE GOES TO ELEVEN… compilation album dropping TOMORROW (8.11.14) celebrating the 11th Anniversary of Different Kitchen. And, yes in case you thinking it, it is a flip of Stalley‘s Charles Bradley flip, “Petrin Hill Peonies.” It will also be released on Jai’s forthcoming first ever mixtape entitled, Acknowledgement (which you can hear the first single from HERE). Also look for the video premiere of “Pi (Brahma Built)” back here at The Kitchen here on Tuesday (8.12.14). To get a sneak preview of what the video looks like right now though, check out the trailer HERE (or on Instagram HERE)

Follow Jai Nitai Lotus online: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Follow Sam I Am Montolla online: Twitter | Instagram

Song Credits:
Written by Jai Nitai Lotus & Sam I Am Montolla
Produced by Shash”U
Cover Art Design by @krunkpony for Tiffany Pilgrim Art & Design
Audio mastering by Neil McDonald & Paul Kehayas for Echosound Studiolab

Also on The Kitchen:

Ian KamauYou, I (prod. by Jai Nitai Lotus) [Music Video + MP3]

[Video] Preview Trailer for Jai Nitai Lotus – Pi (Brahma Built) Feat. Sam I Am Montolla


“Pi (Brahma Built)” by Montreal MC, Jai Nitai Lotus is the fifth single release from the THIS ONE GOES TO ELEVEN… compilation album dropping 8.11.14 celebrating the 11th Anniversary of Different Kitchen. It will also be released on Jai’s forthcoming Acknowledgement mixtape coming later this month.

Follow Jai Nitail Lotus online: Website | Facebook | Twitter

Song Credits:

Written by Jai Nitai Lotus & Sam I Am Montolla
Produced by Shash”U
Video trailer produced by Jai Ntial Lotus
Day counter banner by Shehab Tariq for Implant Media

[MP3] Audego – Gone

DK11_Single4_Audego_Gone cover artwork

Here goes “Gone” by Australian left-field electronic soul duo, Audego, the fourth single release from the THIS ONE GOES TO ELEVEN… compilation album celebrating the 11th anniversary of the DIFFERENT KITCHEN blog dropping 8.11.14.

“Gone” will also be released on Audego’s forthcoming but as-yet-untitled third album. Singer, Carolyn Tariq describes the song as follows: “‘Gone’ is me trying to process my thoughts on experiencing someone close to me starve themselves to death from severe alcoholism and feeling helpless.” Tune in next week for a full interview with Audego.

Follow Audego online: Website | Facebook | Twitter

Song Credits:
Written by Carolyn Tariq, Shehab Tariq
Produced by Shehab Tariq
Cover Art Design by Tiffany Pilgrim for Tiffany Pilgrim Art & Design
Audio mastering by Neil McDonald & Paul Kehayas for Echosound Studiolab


#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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