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Video: Trailer for Bjorn Lomborg’s Cool It Documentary

Bjorn Lomborg, author of the book The Skeptical Environmentalist, is not a nut-job global warming denier. He just thinks the debate around the topic has become over-heated and alarmist and says the solutions to address the problem are a lot less expensive and cumbersome than those currently being discussed. As you can imagine, Lomborg is a controversial figure in climate change and environmental circles. The film, Cool It (trailer above) examines this controversy. Hit the jump to also watch his 2007 TED presentation on what ‘Our priorities for saving the world’ should be.


Peter Howell: Bjorn Lomborg: Get smart before going green. [Toronto Star]

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Bjorn Lomborg online
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US Government Sues BP and Others Over the Deepwater Horizon Gulf Oil Spill


U.S. sues BP and eight others for Gulf spill damage. [USA Today]

CBS News’ take with Katie Couric and Jan Crawford.

AP Video: Tests Warned of Troubles Before the Gulf Blowout at BP’s Deepwater Horizon

AP on Oct. 28:

Tests performed before the deadly blowout of BP’s oil well should have raised doubts about cement used to seal the well, but the company and its cementing contractor used it anyway, investigators with the president’s oil spill commission said.”

Halliburton again??! F-ck ’em!


#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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