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FREE Album to Download: Gorillaz – The Fall

MP3’s: Gorillaz – The Fall by revolutioncontemporaine

Hit the jump for the full credits and a download link.


New Mixtape: Spacekid & Yamill present Welcome to My Spaceship

MP3’s: Welcome to my Spaceship by Yamill

From the kid who brought you a pretty cool remix of Drake’s “Over” while back.

CLICK HERE for more details….

Chris Read and Marc Hype – The World’s Greatest Christmas Mixtape (2-CD Set)

Merry Chrismixx! (World's Greatest Christmas Mix) by Chris Read (Musicofsubstance) on Mixcloud

The World's 2nd Greatest Christmas Mixtape by Marc Hype on Mixcloud

Need some funk, soul, boogie (?) and hip hop in your Christmas music? Then look no further! Here’s the background from Chris Read:

When it came to putting together an Xmas mixtape, I knew I couldn’t do it without getting my friend and 2x ITF champion, Marc Hype in on the act. Marc and I first met about this time last year when DJing at the Rap History club night in Berlin and bonded over our love of obscure rap 12s, unusual breaks and, as it turns out, funky Christmas records. The result of many hours of digging, many more of mix construction and a few email conversations is a little collaboration we’ve decided to call ‘The World’s Greatest Christmas Mixtape’, a title we hope will be taken in good humour and a dose of Christmas cheer.

You’d be forgiven for thinking a Christmas mix is going to be a little corny and you might be right, but what the hell; If some of our favourite artists of all time (Stevie Wonder, James Brown, Michael Jackson to name a few) can get away with making Christmas records, I don’t see why we shouldn’t give some of those records our loving touch – so that’s what we’ve done!

Download: Chris Read and Marc HypeThe World’s 2nd Greatest Christmas Mixtape: music of substance | rapidshare zip file (Tracklist, artwork and press info are included.)

Hit the jump for the track listing for both volumes…


Listen to Gerald Walker’s A Gerald Walker Christmas EP

Answering the question: what would a Christmas album by Drake sound like? I kid – but seriously I like dude and he’s actually kind of talented. I’ve featured him before too.

First three tracks from the Christmas EP right here below, the final two tracks after the jump, or, since he didn’t collect them into an easy-to-play set on soundcloud (and soundcloud won’t let you create your own sets from other people’s tracks), CLICK HERE to stream the whole thing if you don’t want to have to keep clicking play to move from track to track.

MP3: Gerald Walker – Prelude by Gerald Walker

MP3: Gerald Walker – A Gerald Walker Christmas by Gerald Walker

MP3: Gerald Walker – Keep Me Going by Gerald Walker | Alt. download link: mediafire

Download: Gerald Walker’s A Gerald Walker Christmas EP [direct zip file link]


Listen to the Young Chris – The Re-Introduction Mixtape Streaming in FULL

Download Mixtape Free | LiveMixtapes.com Mixtape Player

Said it before, will say it again: Young Chris is one of the most underrated in the game. Hope he recovers from this apparent seizure he suffered while performing at Hot 97 and Kodak’s “Who’s Next” Concert at the SOBs in New York though!


#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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