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Al Qaeda Goes in on Ahmadinejad for Promoting 9/11 Conspiracy Theories!

Watch The Young Turks video above then read this NPR article to learn more. This would be straight comedy if it wasn’t so bizarre!

[Video] Watch the Trailer for the movie, Four Lions

This film, about a gang of bumbling, inept wannabe British jihadists, actually came out last year but my sister just put me up on it. Looks hilarious which is not small feat considering the delicacy of the subject matter at hand here. Not sure this film would get any traction in the US, even in more progressive, liberal markets, where all matters terrorist-related are extremely touchy still even ten years after 9/11.

Watching this trailer put me in mind of another British film from over a decade ago about bumbling criminals that I used to love, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, not the least of which is that both movies feature key characters named Barry! The fact that a movie dealing with the same theme nowadays has to ratchet up the subject matter from bungled attempts at robbing antiques to full-fledged terrorism is a sign of the times we live in, I guess. But that a film like this can even get made now is a good sign, I think.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the movie.


6 Charged in British Terror Plot. [The Daily Beast]

Breaking: The US Supreme Court Refuses to Stay the Execution of Troy Davis

Watch live streaming video from democracynow at livestream.com

After hearing there were vigils, not only in the US but around the world including Iceland, I went down to the US consulate in Toronto thinking maybe there would be one down there too. Crickets! Toronto, tonight I’m ashamed to be from here….

[Video] Jasiri X – I Am Troy Davis (T.R.O.Y.)

Would You Let an Innocent Man Die & Do Nothing?

Jasiri X uses Pete Rock & CL Smooth‘s classic beat, “They Reminisce Over You” to shed light on the case of Troy Davis.

The state of Georgia plans to execute Troy Davis on September 21, 2011. There is still serious doubt as to Troy Davis’ guilt, and by putting him to death Georgia runs the risk of killing an innocent man. Please call on the board to save Troy Davis’ life.

The fact is, no physical evidence connected Davis to the murder. Seven of the original nine witnesses have recanted, with many saying their testimony was a result of law enforcement pressure. Of the remaining witnesses, one is highly suspect and the other could be the actual culprit in the officer’s murder.

Now, despite these and other facts, the state of Georgia has taken the final steps toward Davis’ execution — and only the Georgia Board of Pardons and Parole stands between Davis and the lethal injection chamber.
Take action by going to:




Sign a petition, send a tweet, post on facebook, or organize an event.

Just do something….


Read The Execution of Troy Davis — A Mother’s Story by Troy’s sister, Martina Davis-Correia.

Previously on The Kitchen: Why is Troy Anthony Davis being executed?

[Music Video] Jasiri X – Bushes (Bomb the Throne)

Love this! Be clear: this is likely the only unofficial “Otis” remix or freestyle you’ll see on The Kitchen. From the homie, Jasiri X:

George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush go in over the Otis instrumental on their less than stellar records as President of the United States, and to remind us how America got so messed up….”


George H.W. Bush – I invented crack
the highest hit with them scientists in the lab
not hard to find it
read Gary Webb’s Dark Alliance
New terror alert Qaddafi
We tried to kill him in the 80s but were sloppy
Bombs hit his compound every wall was knock down
his infant daughter got found dead under a rock pile

George W. Bush – Damn W bush where the hell you been
Obama’s getting blamed for all of ya failures kid
Left trillions in debt they acting like I never did
Kanye even apologized now we’re hella friends
They say I’m stupid but I was dumb before
but they so crazy they forgot about my other war
and they don’t even mention my other other war
Almost destroyed America they still love me more

George H.W. Bush – Skull and Bones fresh
bomb you with the stealth
I’m bout to call the CIA on my self
I was the first ta
go after Saddam Hussein I tried to murk ya
bombed Iraq with those missiles air to surface
so we would have cheap oil for us to purchase
Iran contra no need for bail
I pardoned everybody they never going to jail

George W. Bush – A born again christian I’m never going to hell
my book about decisions is never going to sale
300 pages of crap it’s better in the shredder
I made history the worst president ever
I’m in Crawford with the golfers
cause of my cuts there’s just no job offers
now everybody in they house getting foreclosed
I’m done I’ll hit you ya tomorrow

George H.W. Bush – Welcome to Panama
Sent troops to get Noriega I am the law
he had pedico in kilos
we bought it from him that’s how come that we know
4000 dead it makes no difference
nobody cares cause it’s just less immigrants
no coincidence my son went from governor
to president leaving a debt so big we can’t get under from

George W. Bush – Can’t you see commercial jets flying over you
for seven minutes I froze like what the hell Imma do
put my Arab friends on planes with no kinda proof
even though they said the highjackers were Saudi too
Then I let Osama escape like the hell with it
so I could invade Iraq with fake intelligence
and over 6,000 troops died
but hey keep being mad at the new guy


#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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