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This tag is associated with 220 posts

[Video] Barack Obama’s 2012 Campaign Launch Video – It Begins With Us

Read more:

Obama launches reelection campaign with e-mail, web video. [LA Times]

[News] Rolling Stone on the US Soldiers in the Afghanistan ‘Kill Team’

Yeah, I partially posted this Rolling Stone article ‘cos of the Rihanna cover image but this is also Sunday when I normally post more news-oriented stuff and this story is crazy:

How U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan murdered innocent civilians and mutilated their corpses for sport – and how their officers failed to stop them. Plus: An exclusive look at the war crime photos censored by the Pentagon

CLICK HERE to read ‘The Kill team’ by Mark Boal.


Rihanna’s Rolling Stone Stylist Reveals the Concept Behind the Cover – there’s a concept??!

[News] Libyan Rebels Retreat Without Allied Air Cover

Handing over power to NATO today, my ass. This war will continue for a good while OR will end very badly for all involved (the rebels, Obama, NATO etc.) if the Allied forces withdraw no-fly zone support prematurely and don’t put boots on the ground. How long ’til that happens, you think?

Read more:

Can negotiations end the Libya conflict? [CS Monitor]

‘Arm the Rebels’ Cry Reflects Western Desperation on Libya. [Time]

International conference in London plots Libya future – “A few representatives of the rebels fighting Libyan leader Moammar Kadafi hovered on the fringes of the talks. Their absence from the meetings reflected how politically delicate the crisis remains.” [LA Times]

[Video] President Obama’s Live Address on the NATO Action in Libya

[note: the live stream player has now been replaced by a youtube video embed courtesy PBS NewsHour]

[News] Libyan Woman Alleges Rape by Government Troops

True story or publicity stunt? Read more HERE: Al Jazeera English | New York Times


#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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