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More on the Syrian Revolution and the Arab ‘Awakening’….

As Unrest Spreads, Syria Cracks Down on Protesters :

Syrian Troops Fire on Demonstrators in Several Cities:

More reading:

– Mitch Potter on how, despite the naysayers, the Arab uprising survives 100 convulsive days. [Toronto Star]

– Haroon Siddiqui: Our dance with Arab dictators. [Toronto Star]

– Michael Slackman: Choosing sides in the Sunni-Shiite Divide. [New York Times]

– Michael Slackman: Despots Bloody The Arab Spring [New York Times]

Syria is still a mess too!

Crackdown on Syrian protests continues:

Syrian Government: Syria to revoke emergency law:

Moving in the right direction though??

President Obama’s Weekly Address: The Military Mission in Libya is Succeeding

Obama will address the nation on the Libya intervention on Monday….


What intervention in Libya tells us about the neocon-liberal alliance. [Politico]

– Has Al-Qaeda snatched missiles in Libya? [News.com.AU]

– I might actually agree with Maureen Dowd on Libya: I think we’ve read this book before….


[Video] Pioneering Female VP Candidate Geraldine Ferraro Dies at 75

The first woman to run for U.S. vice president on a major party ticket has died. Geraldine Ferraro was 75.

With all due respect though, let’s remember Shirley Chisholm too.

[MP3] RoQ’y TyRaiD at The Podium: Week #21 (‘Libyan Tsunamis’) & #22 (‘Tokyo Sievert’)

I swear these rappers exhaust me with these weekly track/freestyle series but RoQ’y TyRaiD be talking some serious matters with his At the Podium series of track’s on the nweek’s issues in news and politics. His week 21 take on the Libya situation, while thoughtful overall, seems somewhat off in parts though. What y’all think? Week #22 talks about the nuclear meltdown fears in Japan.

Hit the jump to hear the whole At the Podium series (or at least weeks #5 to present)….



#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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