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Hank Williams Jr. Monday Night Football Theme Song Yanked After He Compares President Obama to Hitler

Meant to post this before MNF tonight with a pithy comment about who’s gonna ask us if we’re ready for some football now that Hank Williams Jr. got kicked off of ‘Monday Night Football’ by ESPN but I fell asleep after the tryptophan kicked in from eating left-over Thanksgiving turkey this afternoon. Williams is a f-cking NUT though. I mean, hit the jump for the original video of his full appearance on ‘Fox & Friends’ on Oct. 3 that created the initial firestorm if you missed it or aren’t full convinced.


– Hank Jr. writes song dissing ‘Fox & Friends’ and ESPN. He night be a country cat but he got his response record cut and ready to roll with hip-hop speed & efficiency!


[News] Teen Executed in 1944 May Have Been Innocent!

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

George Stinney, Jr. was 14 years old when South Carolina executed him in 1944, making him the youngest person executed in the U.S. in the 20th century. He was convicted of murdering two girls. Now there’s a move to clear his name. NBC’s Mark Potter reports….”

14 years old! You see where I’m going with this now, right?

[NBC Nightly News via The Grio]

[News] Texas Man Convicted of Wife’s Murder Freed From Prison After 25 Years

Not just Black folk (although it is an issue that disproportionately affects ‘us’). Luckily for Michael Morton, he did not suffer Troy Davis’ fate. Get the full back story via LA Times HERE.

Felonious Munk to President Obama: Balance your Checkbook, B!

Stop your life, B. Get your whole sh-t together!’

How the f-ck do you owe China, B? how can I tell my daughter with a straight face that capitalism is the better system than communism if we borrowing money all our money from the biggest communist country on the planet??”

Everybody who has a loan to the federal government. F-ck paying it. Don’t pay your bills ‘cos they ain’t paying theirs!

What is the government’s credit score. It’s gotta be a 350….”

I know I’m late on this (I actually saw it a couple days ago) but if you haven’t watched this yet, check it out: HILARIOUS!

New York Observer‘s exclusive, unaired Occupy Wall Street Fox News interview footage

I haven’t been paying that much attention to the Occupy Wall Street protest movement despite the fact that it’s spreading and there’s been some questionable incidents related to it but this is amazing! A must-watch. The only part where dude perhaps gets into sticky territory is right at the end (which surprise, gets cut off) when he starts talking about Solyndra! There’s a good reason the interview in this footage has been unaired on TV. Sadly, the mainstream US news media isn’t really about addressing the difficult topics with honest, intelligent debate and dialogue that isn’t just empty, worn-out talking points.

[via the homie, Roger]


#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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