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President Obama Stays Winning Even in the ‘Lame-Duck’ Aftermath of Midterm Election Defeat

In the PBS video above President Obama speak on Congress’s Bipartisan Accomplishments and how US federal government is ‘Not Doomed to Endless Gridlock.’


Obama emerges from defeat with a taste of victory. [Los Angeles Times]

A New Chance for Bipartisanship, All Posturing Aside. [New York Times]

Senate poised to pass nuclear treaty, giving Obama a major victory!

Video is of President Obama’s Weekly Address about National Security Over Politics on START from December 18, 2010.

Read about the Senate passing the START treaty in the Los Angeles Times HERE.

Music Video: Jasiri X – Republican Woman… Stay Away From Me

I missed this one when it was sent to me at the end of October right before the midterm elections but it was too funny not to post still anyway even if it’s not quite as timely any more. Here’s Jasiri X on the inspiration behind the video and song:

The inspiration for this song came while attending Ignite 2010, a conference hosted by VIBE and The League of Young Voters in Atlanta on the eve of the BET Hip-Hop Awards. The purpose of the event was to bring together Bloggers, Artists and Community Activists to see what could be done to positively impact the mid term elections.

Being in the same room with so many creative and passionate people caused me to contemplate what type of video we could do to encourage people to take part. As usual the antics of the Tea Party/Republican candidates made it almost too easy to make fun of, and because they have so many high profile, although comical women candidates, we thought “Republican Woman” would definitely get the point across.

As soon as I touched down from the ATL, I called Cynik Lethal to flip the track, he called in Lindsay Pavlick to play Ms. Palin and Paradise the Architech put it all together. Special thanks goes out to Shadow/Ava Lounge and the Waffle Shop for allowing us to film and Ya Momz House Studio where we recorded the song.”

Hit the jump for an mp3 download and the lyrics “Republican Woman… Stay Away From Me”.


MUST WATCH Video: More Riots in Greece in Protest of Government Austerity Measures There

White riot, I wanna riot….”

All jokes aside though, sh-t looks SUPER-loony tunes over there. Just look at that video!

Hundreds of protesters clashed with riot police across central Athens on Wednesday, smashing cars and hurling gasoline bombs during a nationwide labour protest against the government’s latest austerity measures. The former Development Minister Costis Hatzidakis was attacked by protesters outside a luxury hotel. He was escorted, bleeding from the scene as his attackers yelled “thieves” at him.”

Read more via The Wall Street Journal.

So the other day I asked where else there were ongoing riots besides the UK and Italy. Now I (and you) know. Anyone else feel like this is a harbinger of much worse to come?

US Government Sues BP and Others Over the Deepwater Horizon Gulf Oil Spill


U.S. sues BP and eight others for Gulf spill damage. [USA Today]

CBS News’ take with Katie Couric and Jan Crawford.


#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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