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This tag is associated with 130 posts

British Historian David Starkey on the London Riots: ‘The whites have become black!’

Oh boy! I knew when dude started quoting notorious 70’s, UK race monger, Enoch Powell, we were in for a doozy. Just watch.

[via Anousheh / Hillina]


Dreda Say Mitchell: David Starkey’s ethnic year zero – The historian’s views on race and rioting are ignorant and confused. Thankfully most people realize this. [Guardian]

Gary Younge: These riots were political. They were looting, not shoplifting. [Guardian]

[Video] An Obama Impersonator Entertains a GOP ‘Leadership’ Gathering

Besides a lot of really lame jokes, does this dude even really look like Obama?? Maybe if he went on an all-ice cream diet for a month and started wearing make-up! But is this racist like Think Progress claims?

[via The Root]

#LupeFAIL? Rapper Calls President Obama “the biggest terrorist in the United States of America”

WTF??! Love dude’s music but is Lupe Fiasco out to lunch as far as his political views go?

[via The Grio]

[News] President Obama’s Alternative Osama bin Laden Announcement Video

Hilarious spoof. So the President and his first lady can both (kind of) do the Dougie, huh?

Rap News 7: Revolution Spreads to America (extended version)

This is slightly dated at this point but still worth sharing! Really great….

[via Semtex]


#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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