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Why Have Oxford and Cambridge Admitted No Black Students This Year??!

WTF??! No wonder those British students were rioting!

A bleak portrait of racial and social exclusion at Oxford and Cambridge has been shown in official data which shows that more than 20 Oxbridge colleges made no offers to black candidates for undergraduate courses last year and one Oxford college has not admitted a single black student in five years.

The university’s admissions data confirms that only one black Briton of Caribbean descent was accepted for undergraduate study at Oxford last year.

Figures revealed in requests made under the Freedom of Information (FoI) Act by the Labour MP David Lammy also show that Oxford’s social profile is 89% upper- and middle-class, while 87.6% of the Cambridge student body is drawn from the top three socioeconomic groups. The average for British universities is 64.5%, according to the admissions body Ucas.

The FoI data also shows that of more than 1,500 academic and lab staff at Cambridge, none are black. Thirty-four are of British Asian origin.

One Oxford college, Merton, has admitted no black students in five years – and just three in the last decade. Eleven Oxford colleges and 10 Cambridge colleges made no offers to black students for the academic year beginning autumn 2009.

Oxford’s breakdown of its latest undergraduate admissions figures, published on its website, shows that just one black Caribbean student was accepted in 2009, out of 35 applications.

A total of 77 students of Indian descent were accepted, out of 466 applications. Six black Caribbean undergraduates were accepted at Cambridge the same year.”

CLICK HERE for the full article.


Read Afro-Anglo (is that the term there?) British Labour Party MP David Lammy’s Op-ed on the Oxbridge whitewash.

Hockey Coach Greg Walsh Faces Ban from the OMHA for Opposing Racial Slur

Despite the strides made by current Black NHL players like Calgary Flames captain, Jarome Iginla and Montreal Canadiens player, P.K. Subban and many others, racism is alive and well in hockey! To wit:

Coach Greg Walsh pulled his Peterborough minor league hockey team off the ice after an opposing player hurled a racial slur at Andrew McCullum, one of his teenaged team members and no one apologized.

Two weeks later, Walsh is watching his house league team from the stands while he serves an indefinite suspension from the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA). Meanwhile, the player who used the taunt and his two coaches received three-day penalties and are playing again.

Because of a Hockey Canada rule on “refusing to start play,” Walsh could be barred from coaching for up to a year.”

WTF??! Greg Walsh is a stand-up guy who absolutely did the right thing by taking a principled stand against behavior that has no place in civil society in 2010. The Ontario Minor Hockey Association should be ashamed of themselves for the position they have taken here! Don’t let them get away with this travesty. RT this story with the hashtag #SupportGregWalsh.

Hit the jump for more including an interview with Greg Walsh done by the CBC…. (more…)

Former Toronto Police Officer Claims He’s Not Racist for Wearing Blackface Halloween Costume…

While leashed to a noose held by his friend costumed as a Ku Klux Klansman! Let that sink in a for a minute while you also look at the photo above taken at the Halloween party they attended….

“”I don’t believe in the KKK. It was a Halloween mistake is what it was,” Terry Nunn told Toronto radio station AM640. The former Toronto police officer says people from work are asking him what he was thinking.


BTW: Nunn was Toronto’s Police Officer of the Year in 1981.

Read more:

The Globe and Mail

Global Toronto

Republican 527 Group, Latinos for Reform Run an Ad Urging Nevada Latinos Not to Vote

Of course, ‘Latinos for Reform’ is basically a front group for the GOP’s voter-repression tactics. Read/watch more:

Huffiington Post

Think Progress

– Center for Media and Democracy’s PR Watch.org

– Univision pulls the Latinos for Reform spot after an uproar. [Yahoo News’ The Upshot]

– Latinos for Reform Head Robert de Posada Defends Controversial ‘Don’t Vote’ Ad. [ABC News]

Hit the jump to watch a video of Cenk Uygur from The Young Turks filling on Ketih Olbermann on MSNBC’s Countdown show discussing the GOP’s Latino Voter Suppression Effort: (more…)

“These cops got to stop this. They’re shooting people like crazy….”


Candlelight vigil for Khiel Coppin – I pray no-one ever has to do one of these for me!

I was gonna do a post about how f-cked up the NYPD was after the Khiel Coppin murder but never found the time to get to it. Then again after the one year anniversary of the Sean Bell shooting and the murder of David Kostovski with my angle being that, as a Black male in NYC, I am and have good reason to be scared of the NYPD, but again didn’t get to it. But an incident that happened to me personally last Friday night sealed the deal and prompted me to finally write this post and stop wasting my time with the usual BS about mp3’s, mixtapes, new videos, sneakers, George Bush and Iraq until I got this off my chest.

So I’m about to walk the one block to my apartment from the subway after hanging out for a bit with some co-workers after our annual office holiday party. It’s about 1:30am and as I come out of the station I see an NYPD van parked in the middle of the road with a bunch of cops around it and one white civilian woman. I briefly make eye contact with the woman and glance at some of the cops but keep walking without paying any of them any particular mind. As I approach the gate to my apartment complex though I notice the van has passed me by and is now right outside my building with the cops all coming out of it. “What’s going on?” I wonder but just as I’m about to go to put the key in the gate to my apartment, they call out to me:

“Excuse me sir, where are you coming from?”

“From the city,” I reply confused.

“Where exactly?

“From Lafayette and Canal.”

Now I’m getting nervous and stuttering ‘cos literally five or six HUGE cops are now surrounding me and towering over my skinny ass. I could barely remember the info I just gave them and am kicking myself cos, if they start asking me more detailed questions, I don’t even know the name of the bar I’ve just been hanging out in for the past hour even though I even had the flyer in my back pocket (as I discovered later). I hadn’t done anything wrong but I felt nervous, jumpy and guilty just having these dudes looking at me like I’m some kind of a suspect.



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