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Republican F-ckery

This tag is associated with 13 posts

[Video] House Speaker John Boehner Speaks on the ‘Craigslist Congressman’, Chris Lee

The woman Chris Lee sent his topless picture to was Black??! That I did not know….

Read more:

Married GOP Congressman Sent Sexy Pictures to Craigslist Babe [Gawker]

Did Did John Boehner warn Chris Lee about partying? [WIVB4]

– Loop21.com’s initially-anonymous interview with the woman in question, Yesha Callahan.

Yesha Callahan’s blog post about the ‘Craigslist Congressman’, Chris Lee scandal. [flyblackchick.com]

Two Republican Representatives Miss Swearing In to Attend Fundraisers but Vote Anyway!

I know this story is slightly old not but I had to post it anyway – WTF??!!

Read more about this absolute f-ckery at: Gawker | CNN Polticial Ticker

Republican 527 Group, Latinos for Reform Run an Ad Urging Nevada Latinos Not to Vote

Of course, ‘Latinos for Reform’ is basically a front group for the GOP’s voter-repression tactics. Read/watch more:

Huffiington Post

Think Progress

– Center for Media and Democracy’s PR Watch.org

– Univision pulls the Latinos for Reform spot after an uproar. [Yahoo News’ The Upshot]

– Latinos for Reform Head Robert de Posada Defends Controversial ‘Don’t Vote’ Ad. [ABC News]

Hit the jump to watch a video of Cenk Uygur from The Young Turks filling on Ketih Olbermann on MSNBC’s Countdown show discussing the GOP’s Latino Voter Suppression Effort: (more…)


#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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