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Right Wing Nutjobs

This tag is associated with 31 posts

[MP3] Ian Kamau x Big Sproxx – America


Toronto’s Ian Kamau & Big Sproxx release this commentary on recent events (that would be #Ferguson for those of you not catching on!) Where are other artists on this issue though??


– Grand Jury Won’t Indict Officers In Ohio Wal-Mart Shooting of John Crawford (NPR News)

No Charges for Police Officer in Eric Garner Chokehold Case (NY Times)

– Cartoonist Matt Bors on the Tamir Rice Murder

– Cartoonist Tom Tomorrow on the Right’s hypocrisy on all these Police murders of Black men & boys.

And check out the most recent post on The Kitchen featuring Kamau with Georgia Anne Muldrow: “Heading Home (remix)”

[Video] “Let My People Vote!” – Sarah Silverman Speaks on GOP Voter ID Fraud ‘Efforts’

Voter ID laws aim to prevent in-person voter fraud. In person voter fraud basically never happens. So why are so many states passing these laws?

For more, go to Let Me People Vote 2012.

[Video] CPAC Discovers Hip-Hop

(Almost) no words except….

Oh you crazy rapping Republicans. And that moment at the 1:55 mark, just wow…

[via Ta-Nehisi Coates at The Atlantic]

[Infographic] The Difference Between the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street Movements

Wow! I think that’s pretty much says it all….

Actually, I’ma let Xeni Jardin from Boing Boing have the last word on this post:

@xenijardin: “#OWS Fact: More people have now been arrested for protesting financial crimes than # of bankers arrested for those crimes.”

Marinate on that for a while….

UPDATE: Wall St. Protest Isn’t Like Ours, Tea Party Says. [NY Times]

Hank Williams Jr. Monday Night Football Theme Song Yanked After He Compares President Obama to Hitler

Meant to post this before MNF tonight with a pithy comment about who’s gonna ask us if we’re ready for some football now that Hank Williams Jr. got kicked off of ‘Monday Night Football’ by ESPN but I fell asleep after the tryptophan kicked in from eating left-over Thanksgiving turkey this afternoon. Williams is a f-cking NUT though. I mean, hit the jump for the original video of his full appearance on ‘Fox & Friends’ on Oct. 3 that created the initial firestorm if you missed it or aren’t full convinced.


– Hank Jr. writes song dissing ‘Fox & Friends’ and ESPN. He night be a country cat but he got his response record cut and ready to roll with hip-hop speed & efficiency!



#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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