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US Race Relations

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[Music Video] Hoodiez (The Trayvon Martin Justice Song!) feat. Scarface & Willie D of the Geto Boys

As well as Propain and D Boi. CLICK HERE for the lyrics and more details on the song.

Feels good to watch this video the day after it looks like the family of Trayvon Martin will finally get justice for their slain son.

[via Jasiri X]

[Event] Million Hoodie March in LA for Trayvon Martin

Date: March 26, 2012
Time: 4pm (gather), 6pm march
Location: Gather at Pershing Square
Los Angeles, California
Contact: answerla@answerla.org or 213-251-1025

March to coincide with Trayvon Martin’s family-led march in Orlando, FL.

Click for more details: Facebook | Answer Los Angeles



President Obama on the Trayvon Martin Case: ‘If I Had a Son, He’d Look Like Trayvon’

President Obama on the Trayvon Martin Case: ‘If I Had a Son, He’d Look Like Trayvon’

This case is so mind-numbingly sad if only for being so unsurprising the way it’s turning out when you consider historical context. One particularly outspoken online pundit noted some chilling, even if not necessarily apropos, comparison to facts around this story and was dismissive of today’s call-to-action but I wore my hoodie up all day.

Read more:

– Fla. shooting: Teen’s friends say Trayvon wouldn’t have picked a fight; ‘that’s just not that kid.’ [Washington Post]

– A primer on the so-called Stand Your Ground Florida law that has kept Trayvon murderer, George Zimmerman out of jail. [The Lede Blog, NYT]

– More from The New York Times on the Stand Your Ground law.

– Why Ta-Nehisi Coates wrote on his blog for The Atlantic magazine that “the more I see of this, the less I think ‘Stand Your Ground’ will save Zimmerman.”

– Trayvon Martin’s killing prompts parents to have ‘The Talk” with their sons. [Seattle Times]

F-cking tragedy, absolute f-ckery, take your pick….

R.I.P. Malcolm X: May 19, 1925 – February 21, 1965

If You Stick A Knife In My Back….”

The Last Speech….

[via 546inthemorning]

PBS NewsHour Video: Bank of America to Pay $335M to Settle Countrywide Case of Alleged Racial Bias

It pains me no end that I still carry debt on a Bank of America credit card. I hate this company!

Read more at The New York Times.


#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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