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US Race Relations

This tag is associated with 40 posts

[Video] Is the Pepsi MAX® ‘Love Hurts’ Super Bowl Ad Racist (or Sexist)?

Via TheLoop21.com:

Pepsi’s aptly title ‘Love Hurts’ commercial for Pepsi Max features a dark skinned black woman who keeps violently ‘touching’ her man in an extreme effort to control his diet, for his own good of course. The guy merely suffers the abuse as he is kicked (ha ha), shoved face down in a pie (ha ha ha) and slapped in the mouth with a bar of soap as he hides in the tub trying to eat an outlawed doughnut (ha ha ha ha). In the final sequence, the guy sits on a bench drinking a Pepsi Max on the sly when his all seeing woman appears and gives him a brief reprieve; Zero calorie Pepsi Max is on the allowable consumption list. Unfortunately, smiling goofily and dreamily at a random blond white woman isn’t so the black woman moves to strike him, misses, and knocks out the innocent white woman.”

Sorry, I know I’m late on this but I’ve had to watch most of the Super Bowl ads at the official Youtube channel or on Crash the Super Bowl because in Canada we actually didn’t see most of the Super Bowl ads in real time because, even if you watched the US feed of the game, they switched out the ads for Canadian ones and many of the brands did not buy time up here. That alone deserves a WTF??!, never mind this ad.

But as far as this ad goes, what y’all think?

[Video] House Speaker John Boehner Speaks on the ‘Craigslist Congressman’, Chris Lee

The woman Chris Lee sent his topless picture to was Black??! That I did not know….

Read more:

Married GOP Congressman Sent Sexy Pictures to Craigslist Babe [Gawker]

Did Did John Boehner warn Chris Lee about partying? [WIVB4]

– Loop21.com’s initially-anonymous interview with the woman in question, Yesha Callahan.

Yesha Callahan’s blog post about the ‘Craigslist Congressman’, Chris Lee scandal. [flyblackchick.com]

[Videos] The Black Eyed Peas’ Super Bowl Ads for Chatter.com

These ads are a f-cking #FAIL to me. Like how Japanese animation characters never actually look Asian, how is that supposed to Will.i.am and Apl.de.ap??! They’re both so many shades off what they actually look like in real life I’m kind of offended even beyond the cloying Baby Black Eyed Peas concept!

As for their half-time show: I know cats were killing it on twitter but I actually thought it was pretty amazing from a spectacle point of view but kind of middling from a performance one. My mom for one, was thoroughly unimpressed which is not a good sign for a mega-crossover, pop/hip hop group that’s supposed to appeal to people who either say they don’t like hip hop or aren’t generally exposed to it. By comparison, like I said on twitter, she really liked Toronto’s underground political, super-group, The Freedom Writers‘ “Wake Up” track when she heard that on CKLN’s ‘Mixtape Massacre’ radio show this weekend!

[MP3] For Black History Month: Wade Waters – A Post-Racial America

From artist, Wade Waters:

When Barack Obama was elected president, I drank champagne and celebrated an important milestone for my country. Although I’ve never been comfortable with direct comparisons between Obama and Dr. King, I do think Obama’s election represents a very significant step towards the realization of King’s vision for America. However, watching the post-election news coverage I began to get concerned about a phrase I kept hearing: “A Post-Racial America.” This phrase, dubious to sober-minded individuals even back in 2008, seems even more far-fetched today given the current state of affairs

The plug for “A Post-Racial America”:

“A Post-Racial America” is an impassioned reality check on the phrase many have used to describe the era of Obama’s presidency. In Part 1, Wade Waters deconstructs the “Post-Racial” mythology over an upbeat soundbed provided by GMJ. Part 2, in contrast, crafts a vision for empowerment and progress over soulful instrumentation provided by Terem and features singer Devin Jones.”

MP3: Wade Waters – A Post-Racial America (Part 1) [hulkshare MP3 link]

MP3: Wade Waters – A Post-Racial America (Part 2) [hulkshare MP3 link]

[Music Video] T-West – Black History Month 2011

“To finish off his highly successful “Black History Month” series, T-West presents “Black History Month 2011″. While previous “Black History Month” songs have centered around shedding light on the contributions of black leaders in North American society, the final chapter showcases T-West writing a letter to all of those who he honoured in previous songs. Unfortunately, T-West faces some challenges when trying to express the amazing things that blacks are contributing in modern society. Is he able to accomplish his task? Watch the video to find out.”

MP3: T-West – Black History Month 2011 [direct download – right click and save as]

CLICK to watch the entire T-West Black History Month series HERE.

[via TOFlo.com]


#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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