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Dallas Mavericks x Baauer Harlem Shake Video

Er, what??! I know wacky Harlem Shake videos kind of exploded as a viral video meme last week (or so), but what is the motivation for this truly bizarre but apparently completely official video?? I have no idea but I’m guessing it’s the same forces that have me predicting that Baauer‘s 2012 trap anthem is gonna have a second wind and be just as big, if not bigger, this coming summer. Mark my words….

Mitt Romney on ‘Meet The Press’: “I’m not in this race to slow the rise of the oceans or to heal the planet…”

W.W.P.R.D.? Consider what the answer might be if Romney is President next time there’s a catastrophic-level natural disaster event like Hurricane Sandy.

CLICK HERE to read more.

[News] The Nike Air Yeezy 2 Sneakers to be Sold via Raffle in Toronto!

As seen in Metro paper this morning! Also via The Star:

Yo, it won’t be easy to get the Yeezy.

If you have your heart set on getting Kanye West’s new signature shoe, the highly anticipated Nike Air Yeezy 2, your only chance to buy it at a reasonable price is to enter a raffle.

Only three stores in Toronto will be getting the $300 men’s shoe and all are offering it only through raffle, not on site. Livestock on Spadina Ave., Capsule shoes on Yorkville Ave. and Nike Toronto on Bloor St. W. have been deluged for weeks with calls about the shoes.

CLICK HERE to read more.

[News] The Marissa Alexander Case Proves Florida’s So-Called Stand Your Ground Law is Bullsh-t!

To refresh your memory, the Stand Your Ground law is the law and justification that kept George Zimmerman out of jail for so long after he gunned down Trayvon Marin in cold blood. Here’s the background on this story where, surprise, surprise, Stand Your Ground supposedly did not apply:

Marissa Alexander, the 31-year-old Florida woman who fired what her family calls a warning shot at her abusive husband, was sentenced Friday morning to 20 years in prison.

Alexander was convicted of three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon for firing into a wall near her husband and his two young children at their Jacksonville home in 2010. Alexander has maintained that she wasn’t trying to hurt anyone and that she was standing her ground against a man who had over the course of nearly a year punched and choked her on several different occasions. Alexander says that she believed she was protected that day under the state’s Stand Your Ground Law, which gives people wide discretion in using deadly force to defend themselves.

A judge and a jury disagreed.

The State Attorney’s Office offered a plea bargain that would have sent Alexander to prison for three years, but she rejected it, hoping to convince a jury that she had been defending herself when she fired the weapon.

Alexander’s case has become the latest battleground in a fight against what Alexander’s supporters call the misapplication of the Stand Your Ground Law and Florida’s mandatory minimum sentencing laws, which offer stiff sentences for crimes involving guns.

According to Florida’s 10-20-Life statutes, anyone who pulls a gun during a crime receives a mandatory 10-year sentence. Firing a gun during the commission of a crime equals a mandatory 20-year sentence. Anyone convicted of shooting and killing another person during a crime is sentenced to 25 years to life in prison.

Alexander, who did not have a criminal record before the shooting, was convicted of felony assault with a gun.

Hmm, now I wonder what the difference is here?? F-cking travesty. Florida might be an even crazier and more racist state than Arizona! CLICK HERE to read more on MArissa Alexander’s case.

[News] George W. Bush & Tony Blair Convicted of War Crimes in Absentia in Malaysia!

This is basically meaningless but I kinda felt like I needed to post it anyway!

In Malaysia a mock tribunal has found former President George W Bush and Former Prime Minister Tony Blair guilty of war crimes. Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal which was formed at the request of former Malaysian PM Mahathir Mohamad, says the two leaders are guilty of crimes against peace, referring to their invasion of Iraq back in 2003.

CLICK HERE for more via Foreign Policy Journal.


#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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