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The Hipster Blogosphere Jumps on Yet Another Bandwagon: Odd Future [NSFW Artwork]

From LA Weekly:

As recently as July, Odd Future wasn’t sure what the future held. They had sent their music out to some hip-hop blogs, but it wasn’t getting much love. Their sound was too weird, too slow, too fucked up. Odd Future thought they probably would have to go back to school after summer. Then a writer for U.K. music magazine The Wire stumbled across them. He wrote a feature for the magazine’s September issue and pimped Odd Future to everyone he knew.

Fader blogged about them at the end of August: “If the rappers in Odd Future were indicative of California’s social climate, the West Coast would be currently experiencing a miniature apocalypse, complete with grocery store looting and armed survivalist militias, plus tons of drugs and skateboarding.” Other bloggers started getting onboard, and buzz started to spread. Then MTV name-checked Odd Future in their list of 10 most anticipated albums. Even Snoop didn’t make that cut.”

Not that these guys are that terrible but sometimes I just have to shake my head. One of the Top 10 Most Anticipated Albums??! GTFOH!!!! Check out all the hype for yourself with this track, “Sandwitches” by Mssrs. (Wolf) Haley & (Hodgy) Beats from their Soundcloud page, which has a whopping 53 plays and counting. That’s anticipated alright….

[via Grandgood]

AP Video: Tests Warned of Troubles Before the Gulf Blowout at BP’s Deepwater Horizon

AP on Oct. 28:

Tests performed before the deadly blowout of BP’s oil well should have raised doubts about cement used to seal the well, but the company and its cementing contractor used it anyway, investigators with the president’s oil spill commission said.”

Halliburton again??! F-ck ’em!

Trailer for the Inside Job Documentary

From Academy Award® nominated filmmaker, Charles Ferguson (“No End In Sight”), comes INSIDE JOB, the first film to expose the shocking truth behind the economic crisis of 2008. The global financial meltdown, at a cost of over $20 trillion, resulted in millions of people losing their homes and jobs. Through extensive research and interviews with major financial insiders, politicians and journalists, INSIDE JOB, narrated by Academy Award® winner Matt Damon, traces the rise of a rogue industry and unveils the corrosive relationships which have corrupted politics, regulation and academia.

Inside Job online website

Video: Die Antwoord – Enter The Ninja (Live on Jimmy Kimmel)

I think Jimmy Kimmel had it about right when he introduced this performance by syaing: “You’re about to see something unusual….” Now that I’ve discovered that these dudes are now signed to Interscope and that it might be nothing more than an elaborate performance art spoof created by a South African comedian with a background in hip hop, I’m not as forgiving and intrigued as I was before, especially when dude might be using the word, ‘ninja’ as a synonym for another N-word like many on the Internets do. Or maybe I should be more intrigued now?? Listening to this song was proof to me that hip hop really has become pop and making a hit record is easier than ever: a melodic synth pop beat, a sung hook and some semi-competent universal, heartfelt rhymes and you’re good to go! Erykah might be right. We need a board…..

Previously on The Kitchen:

Watch the Die Antwoord – Zef Side music video.

And hit the jump for the music video version of “Enter the Ninja” (more…)

Video: Christine O’Donnell Displays A Shaky Understanding of the Concept of the Separation of Church and State

Watch the whole thing but the key howler comes around the 2:49 mark.


Separation of church and state questioned by Christine O’Donnell. [Washington Post]

[via Sheena / HuffPost]


#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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