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“Show me your papers, Negro!” – Goldie Taylor on this Obama Birth Certificate F-ckery!

I got mad all over again after watching this. Read the Op-Ed as originally published on The Grio HERE.


Why Barack Obama Is the Real Donald Trump. [The Root]


[Video] Donald Trump is a Complete Ass-Clown!

After one fake ‘controversy’ gets cleared up, this idiot now tries to create another one??! To think, there was a time I actually used to admire this dude. Now he’s just definitively proven what a total embarrassment he was after all….

Read more on this absolute f-ckery via the Washington Post.

[Video] CNBC’s Larry Kudlow on the Japan Earthquake: “The human toll looks to be much worse than the economic toll & we can be grateful for that….”

Dude is just the worst! He tried to dial back this outrageously unfeeling comment on twitter but c’mon: you know know he said exactly what he meant.


Kudlow on the Federal budget deficit debate: “Government Shutdown? So What? It’s a minuscule price to be paid for financial solvency and economic growth.” [National Review]

Want even more of this idiot’s f-ckery? Hit the jump for another one of his greatest hits: blaming the financial crisis on the poor.

[via Vanity Fair]


[Video] Sheen’s Korner: Charlie Sheen’s Debut Ustream Broadcast

You’re either in Sheen’s Korner or you’re with the trolls….”

Did you miss the latest chapter in what my boy, McLean has termed the ‘slo-mo car crash’ of Charlie Sheen’s career life?

Announced only tonight (I think), this could have been web2.0 genius but instead the ‘Sheen’s Korner’ show was just embarrassing, sad and maybe worst of all, kind of boring! His entourage is pathetic too! BTW: Simon Rex??! Formerly of MTV Simon Rex??! This train wreck might have just jumped the shark?

[via Mashable]

[Video] Ad Company to Pull Race-Tinged NYC Anti-Abortion Billboard

Watch that video then read this for the background context:

A Manhattan billboard displayed over Sixth Avenue in SoHo has sparked an intense controversy, and displays yet another instance of racist tactics employed against a woman’s right to choose. The billboard shows an image of a young African-American girl; the text reads: “The most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb.” Below the text is a link to a website.

The group behind the billboard, Life Always, said that it was timed to coincide with Black History Month, and will be part of a nationwide campaign. On their website, they say that the campaign is designed to raise awareness about abortion’s impact on the “sustainability” of the African-American population. Their goal is “to expose the truth about how Planned Parenthood targets minority neighborhoods as they perform over 300,000 abortions a year.”

Read the full article HERE.

Are y’all f-cking KIDDING me?? Michel Faulkner, you and your Life Always group should be ashamed of yourselves for this noxious, racially-charged act of irresponsibility. *Smdh….*


#DK11: The album, This One Goes To Eleven… OUT NOW

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