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[Video] Syria’s Violent Crackdown Continues Undeterred

F-cking terrible….


Syria Tries to Defend Its Record to United Nations. [NY Times]


4 Responses to “[Video] Syria’s Violent Crackdown Continues Undeterred”

  1. Derma Veil ® 被喻為新世代逆齡完美輪廓塑造,最新一代的PLLA膠原。 2003年獲得Mexican Ministry of Health (SSA)認證及美國FDA出口認證,並於2006年在拉丁美洲及遠東至東南亞地區廣泛使用,多個臨床實例見證能改善老化、遺傳、疾病(如脂肪萎縮)等引起的凹陷問題,其效果備受認同。蘊含兩大活性成分均具有生物兼容性及分解性,可逐步被人體自然分解吸收,有效塑造童顏肌 : 1. 聚左乳酸 (Poly-L-lactic acid / PLLA) : 促進骨膠原生長 2. 甘醇酸(Glycolic Acid ) 使皮膚表皮層黏膠性脂質鬆軟,改善皮膚厚度,加速細胞再生,減少皺紋及疤痕,加強保濕功能,增加光澤,美白效果。 由於甘醇酸分子較小,容易滲透皮膚 治療前: 皮膚的凹陷/皺紋 治療後: 成分被人體吸收、並刺激膠原增生,撫平皺紋及凹陷部位。 注入BOTOX(保妥適)會抑制突觸前膜釋放神經遞質,阻斷乙酰膽鹼(Acetylcholine)的釋放,從而使肌肉張力下降或癱瘓麻痺,皺紋也隨之而逐漸消失。

    Posted by 醫學美容 精雕五官 Juvederm 透明質酸 | October 15, 2018, 11:16 pm
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  3. It was March 2004 and England had just lost 1-0 to Sweden. Back in the dressing room, Steven Gerrard and I were talking about the young lad who had been playing up front. Rooney is as good as Kenny Dalglish in his pomp, he showed me THAT City overhead kick on his phone three times… and the only club he should leave United for is Everton

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