I could make an argument about how pathetic it is that the once indomitable 50 cent has to now ride ‘It’ rapper, Kendrick Lamar‘s coattails to stay relevant, but you know what? This track is actually pretty good! To my ears, at least. Agree?
I could make an argument about how pathetic it is that the once indomitable 50 cent has to now ride ‘It’ rapper, Kendrick Lamar‘s coattails to stay relevant, but you know what? This track is actually pretty good! To my ears, at least. Agree?
Your first sentence nailed my thoughts exactly at first, but it surprisingly is actually pretty good. I think the beat and Kendrick play a big part, but 50 did his thing.
As I note in my comment, Todd, I totally agree. Good music always silences any naysaying, right?
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