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[Event] TONIGHT in Toronto: aFRaKaRen at Love Jones Sundays Hosted by Ian Kamau

LOVE JONES SUNDAYSWhere Poetry Meets Soul

Hosted by Ian Kamau

Featuring Spoken Word performances by:

Tommy Hagos, Elmnt, Ms. Faith, Najla Edwards, AfraKaren, & Shoolie

Musical performances by…
Mario “The Voyce” & Angelique

MUSIC by DJ Soul Child

At Cayo Coco
304 Richmond St West (across from the Scotiabank Theater)
7:00 pm -12:00 am
Cost: $10

This is the very close friend of a very close friend and her music/poetry is tremendous. If you’re in the T.Dot WuDot and are into things more on the black bohemian, spoken word, urban progressive side of things creatively, you might could wanna go check this out tonight.

See flyer and details above or CLICK HERE for more information on the Facebook page for the weekly Love Jones Sunday event series.

Connect with aFRaKaRen online: Twitter | Facebook | Blog

Need additional convincing? Check out Ren‘s (what we know AFRaKaRen by) music (the excellent 11:11 EP produced by very slept-on local producer, Gigz ‘The Unknown Producer’) below:


12 Responses to “[Event] TONIGHT in Toronto: aFRaKaRen at Love Jones Sundays Hosted by Ian Kamau”

  1. That EP is CRAZY DOPE! “Curvy” is my favorite one. Great Post. Its different but more than worth the listen. Thanks for putting me on!

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  1. […] I posted on the facebook page of my homegirl, Ren. Track from the album, AROuSAL​(​i​)​The ARRiVAL. Check it out […]

  2. […] And yes the CD, whose release is being celebrated this evening does have the exact same name as a spoken word EP by AfraKaRen I posted a few months back here at The Kitchen for you more eagle-eyed readers. […]

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