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[MP3] Mobb Deep – Dog Sh-t feat. Nas

Or for those of you who really just come here for the hip-hop mp3’s….

MP3 Stream (no download): “Dog Shit” Featuring Nas by MobbDeep

This is the first official track, produced by Alchemist and Havoc, featuring Prodigy since he got out of jail. Queens, stand up?


4 Responses to “[MP3] Mobb Deep – Dog Sh-t feat. Nas”

  1. This is tight!!! I like Nas’ verse the most

    Posted by selorm denu | April 5, 2011, 2:48 pm
  2. I think the track is cool but I posted it more because of its newsworthiness than ‘cos I loved it that much personally…

    Posted by ian | April 6, 2011, 12:31 am
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